Past Musings
Spiritual Medicine For Evolutionary Times
These are evolutionary times. The winds of change are blowing strongly…
Self-Care Brings Personal Healing and Strengthens Us All
We can co-create a compassionate, joyful, and just way of living in this world…
My offering to welcome back the faeries on Beltane Eve
My offering to welcome back the faeries on Beltane Eve…
Let's Make Every Day Earth Day!
"Gaia, our ancient Mother Earth, is alive and unwell. Yet she can and will heal herself when we stop actively harming her and when we go back to the "business" of taking care of one another, and ourselves, with compassionate, loving kindness…
The Power of Making Your Own Medicine and a Sage Recipe!
The idea of being able to make natural, effective medicine at home sometimes seems shocking to contemporary people. However, it is a time-honored tradition around the world and brings…
Healing Body and Mind in Uncertain Times
What Matters Most in These Uncertain Times? In this time of mass uncertainty, I find myself remembering how important it is to become quiet and listen within. All around us external voices, disconnected from earth and nature, fuel anxiety and fear, and yet the truth is that the next moment has always been uncertain and unknowable…
Spring Equinox - Annual Celebrations of the ReBirth of the Earth
SPRING EQUINOX - ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF THE REBIRTH OF THE EARTH Humans have always loved to get together and celebrate! The oldest celebrations of all were the Earth holidays, marking the seasons and cycles of change that were evident on the Earth…
Wild Red Raspberry Oxymel
I made this beautiful and healthy wild red raspberry oxymel with the berries that are growing abundantly. Raspberries are unusually rich in powerful antioxidants such as…
Oh, Darling Red Clover
The next wonderful weed I’d like to talk about is one that positively affects so many body systems. She’s such an important herb for women…
In Honor of Women's History Month: A Conversation with Robin Rose Bennett
To commemorate Women’s History Month, we asked several of our women teachers who was the woman who most influenced them and what is the hope they hold for women of the future…
Spring Returns, As Ever She Does
We are living in uncertain times, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed. But Spring has returned, bringing new energy to lift us up and help ground us at the same time…
Red Spruce Needle - Rose Hip Syrup
On Wednesday night thirty intrepid students and I came out in the frigid weather for my Soups and Syrups for Strengthening Immunity class at Flower Power in Piermont NY, We warmed ourselves with an infused herbal syrup that we made during the class…