Community Resources
My Network of Friends
Avena Botanicals - Rockport, ME - www.avenabotanicals.com
Blue Stem Natives - Norwell, MA - www.bluestemnatives.com
Barefoot Botanicals - Doylestown, PA - www.barefootbotanicals.net
Blessed Maine Herbs - Athens, ME - www.blessedmaineherbs.com
Catskill Mountain Herbs - Olivebridge, NY - www.catskillmountainherbals.com
Crystal Organic Farm - GA - www.crystalorganicfarm.com
Dancing Spirits Herbs - Tarrytown, NY - https://dancingspiritsherbs.myshopify.com
Elder Sisters Apothecary - Davenport, NY - www.eldersistersapothecary.com
Frontier Natural Products - Avoca, NY - www.frontiercoop.com
Grian Herbs Apothecary - Montpelier, VT - http://www.grianherbs.com
Healing Spirits Herb Farm - Avoca, NY - www.healingspiritsherbfarm.com
Herbalist and Alchemist - Broadway, NJ - www.herbalist-alchemist.com
Horn of the Moon Apothecary - Wolcott, VT - www.hornofthemoonapothecary.com
Jeans Greens - Norway, NY - www.jeansgreens.com
Mayernik Kitchen - Pompton Plains, NJ - www.mayernikkitchen.com
Medicine Man Herbal Pre-Rolls - Los Angeles, CA - www.medicineman.health
Mermaid Botanicals - Orcas Island, WA - www.mermaid-botanicals.com
Mountain Rose Herbs - Redway, CA - www.mountainroseherbs.com
Phoenix Botanicals - New York, NY - www.phoenixbotanicals.com
Red Moon Herbs - Black Mountain, NC - www.redmoonherbs.com
Strictly Medicinal Seeds - Williams, OR - https://strictlymedicinalseeds.com
Sugar Loaf Mountain Herbs - Sugar Loaf, NY - www.sugarloafherbs.com
Transcending Roots Apothecary - Fishtown, Philadelphia, PA - www.transcendingroots.com
Viv's Botanicals - Sedona, AZ - www.etsy.com/shop/VivsBotanicals
Wild Weeds - Fieldbrook, CA - www.wildweeds.com
Woodland Essence - Cold Brook, NY - www.woodlandessence.com
BC Kelp - British Columbia, Canada - www.bckelp.com
Iron Bound Island Seaweed - Maine - www.ironboundisland.com
Maine Coast Sea Vegetables - seaveg.com
Maine Seaweed - Theseaweedman.com
Naturally Yoga (Ayurvedic Classes etc) - Glen Rock, NJ - www.naturallyyoga.com
Nourishing Root (Nutritionist) - New York, NY - nourishingroot.com
“Sandorkraut” (Wild Fermentation) - Tennessee - www.wildfermentation.com
Steve Brill (Naturalist) - New York, NY - www.wildmanstevebrill.com
Sunny Savage (Wild food forager) - Hawaii - sunnysavage.com
Growing with Food - West Milford, NJ- sunnysavage.com
Amanda Midkiff - PA - www.locustlightfarm.com
Bonnie Rogers - Briarcliff Manor, NY - www.bonniesherbals.com
Botanologos Online - Clayton, GA - http://wildhealingherbs.com
Dale Bellisfield - Pine, AZ - http://www.herbaldale.com
Guido Masé - Burlington, VT - https://www.burlingtonherbclinic.com
HeartStone Center for Earth Essentials (Tammi Sweet and Kris Miller - Founders) -
Van Etten, NY - www.heart-stone.com
Henriette’s Herbal - Helsinki, Finland - www.henriettesherbal.com
The Herbal Academy - Global - theherbalacademy.com
Herbs with Rosalee - Methow Valley, WA - www.herbalremediesadvice.org
(and Rosalee’s Comprehensive List of Herbal Blogs - www.herbalremediesadvice.org/herbal-blogs.html )
Jim McDonald - Ann Arbor, MI - www.herbcraft.org
Lee Ann Monat - Shreveport, LA - www.lion-art.com
Pam Montgomery - Danby, VT - www.wakeuptonature.com
Perelandra - Warrenton, VA - www.perelandra-ltd.com
Ryan Drum - Waldron, WA - www.ryandrum.com
Sacred Plant Traditions (Kat Maier) - Charlottesville, VA - sacredplanttraditions.com
Sabina Ibarrola - Austin, Texas - www.sabinaibarrola.com
Sage Mountain Herbal Retreat Center and Botanical Sanctuary - Central Vermont - www.sagemountain.com
Soul Fire Farm - Petersburg, NY - www.soulfirefarm.org
SouthWest School of Botanical Medicine (Michael Moore – Founder) -
Online Compendium of Global Herbs - www.swsbm.com
Sweetgrass Herbals, Emily French - New England USA - www.sweetgrassherbals.com
Wild Ginger Community Herbal Center - Maryland - www.wildgingerherbalcenter.com
Willow Moon Herbals - Chester, NJ - www.willowmoonherbals.com
Dale Bellisfield - https://canncestra.com
Black Walnut Botanical Conference - Innabah, PA - www.blackwalnutbotanical.com
International Herbs Symposium - Norton, MA - www.internationalherbsymposium.com
Red Earth Herbal Gathering - Berthoud, CO - www.redearthherbalgathering.com
BotanicWise Herbal Conference - ONLINE - www.botanicwise.com
Midwest Women's Herbal Conference - Staughton, WI - www.midwestwomensherbal.com
Flower Power - NYC and Piermont, NY - www.flowerpower.net
Wilner Chemists (Tinctures) - NYC - willner.com
Remedies Herb Shop - Brooklyn, NY - Remediesherbshop.com
Sacred Vibes Healing - Brooklyn, NY - sacredvibeshealing.com
American Herbalists Guild - Asheville, NC - www.americanherbalistsguild.com
The AHG promotes clinical herbalism as a viable profession rooted in ethics, competency, diversity, and freedom of practice. The AHG supports access to herbal medicine for all and advocates excellence in herbal education.
Herb Quarterly - www.herbquarterly.com - UNDER “RENOVATION”
Herbalists without Borders International - https://www.hwbglobal.org
Herbalists Without Borders (HWB) is a membership based 501c3 nonprofit local to global network devoted to providing compassionate holistic care to communities and countries in need impacted by natural disasters, violent conflicts, poverty, trauma and other access barriers to health and wellness.
International Herb Association - Jacksonville, FL - iherb.org
“Uniting Herb Professionals for Growth Through Promotion and Education”- IHA engages, facilitates, and celebrates the growth of herbal endeavors using mentorships, networking, information technology, and education.
North East Herbal Association (NEHA) Retreat - Clinton, NY - www.northeastherbal.org
Dedicated to merging the ancient traditions of Herbalism with the needs and development of the modern day Herbalist
United Plant Savers - Rutland, OH - www.unitedplantsavers.org
United Plant Savers’ mission is to protect native medicinal plants of the United States and Canada and their native habitat while ensuring an abundant renewable supply of medicinal plants for generations to come.
The Botanical Institute - www.botanicalinstitute.org
Abundant Life Seed Foundation - Port Townsend, WA - www.abundantlifeseed.org
The Artistic Garden - Los Angeles, CA - www.the-artistic-garden.com
Fedco Seeds - Clinton, ME - www.fedcoseeds.com
Heirloom Seeds - West Finley, PA - www.heirloomseeds.com
Harris Seeds - Rochester, NY - www.harrisseeds.com
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Wolcott, VT - www.highmowingseeds.com
Johnny’s Selected Seeds - Winslow, ME - www.johnnyseeds.com
Seeds of Change - Sante Fe, NM - www.seedsofchange.com
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Mineral, VA - www.southernexposure.com
Wild Gardens Nursery - Westchester County, Lower Hudson Valley, NY - www.wildgardensnursery.com
Wild Ridge Plants - Alpha, NJ - wildridgeplants.com
Essential Supplies - Cerritos, CA - www.essentialsupplies.com
Rappaport Sons Bottle Co Inc - Brooklyn, NY - www.rappaportbottle.com
SKS Bottles - Saratoga Springs, NY - www.sks-bottle.com
Specialty Bottles - Seattle, WA - www.specialtybottle.com
5 Rhythms, the Moving Center - Gabrielle And Jonathan Roth - New York, NY - www.5rhythms.comgabrielle-roths-5rhythms/
Closer to the Heart Yoga - Kelly Solloway, Oakland, NJ - www.closertotheheartyoga.com
Continuum - Robin Becker Dance - New York, NY - robinbeckerdance.org/home/continuum
Continuum Montage - Susan Harper - Los Angeles, CA - continuummontage.com/about-susan.html
Lucid Body - Holistic Acting Training - New York, NY - lucidbody.com
Black Lives Matter - blacklivesmatter.com
Choose Love - choose.love
Children’s Magical Garden - @childrensmagicalgarden
Earth Activist Training - earthactivisttraining.org
Families Belong Together - www.familiesbelongtogether.org
Food and Water Watch - www.foodandwaterwatch.org
Lakota People’s Law Project - https://LakotaLaw.org
Madre - madre.org
MoveOn.org - People-Powered Progress - https://front.moveon.org
Ocean Conservancy - oceanconservancy.org
Pacem-in-Terris - www.frederickfranck.org
Pinelands Preservation (NJ) - pinelandsalliance.org
RAICES - Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services - www.raicestexas.org
Romero Institute - https://romeroinstitute.org
Southern Poverty law Center - www.splcenter.org
Waterkeeper Alliance - waterkeeper.org
Women for Women - womenforwomen.org
Please Support your local:
Women’s Shelter
Animal Shelter
Parks and Gardens
And whatever calls to your heart that contributes to the wellbeing of all.