Books & Meditations

Robin’s Newest Books!!

An essential guide for any kid who wants to connect with natural magic, learn more about herbalism, and become more confident as they embrace their power with activities that support mindfulness and self-love.

Available from Amazon and your local independent bookstores

E-book available from: Amazon Kindle

Order it HERE!

Wholesaler can order The Young Green Witch’s Guide to Plant Magic by emailing and request information on setting up an account or calling 1-800-759-0190. To expedite the request please include ISBN 9780762483808. 


A Green Witch’s Pocket Book of Wisdom- Big Little Life Tips is filled with golden nuggets of green witch magic and silver strands of spiritual wisdom. It offers inspiring guidance to help you live authentically and vibrantly, and provides practices that will support you as you grow and evolve. It draws upon teachings that the author has practiced for decades.

Available from Amazon and your local independent bookstores

E-book available from: Amazon Kindle

Order it HERE!

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Words of wisdom from a true elder — A Green Witch’s Pocket Book of Wisdom is nourishment for growth and solace in challenging times. Robin Rose Bennett has distilled potent life “tips” infused with compassion and understanding of the full range of the human experience to bring comfort and hope to whoever sits with the wisdom of this magical book. I will definitely be gifting this little treasure!
— K. McIntyre
This is truly just what it is entitled: a pocketbook of wisdom.
I routinely and randomly just pick a page. I read it and digest it and think about it.
Each page is a simple collection of words of wisdom… That go far deeper, if you allow yourself to really think about them. Highly recommend this book. Keep it by your bed keep it in the living room… Somewhere you can easily pick it up and be inspired.
— L. Kelly

Wholesaler can order A Green Witch's Pocket Book of Wisdom - Big Little Life Tips through Ingram Spark

Phone: 1-800-937-8200 Email:


Books By Robin Rose Bennett


Long before I discovered I was a green witch/herbalist, I knew I was a writer. I’m not an herbalist who decided to write a book, I’m a writer who writes about herbal medicine, and much more. My books are carefully crafted labors of love, taking years to complete. I’ve birthed them into the world with the hope that they inspire, inform and empower each reader to help heal themselves and others. Healing Magic and The Gift of Healing Herbs are both available in paperback and e-forms, and I have three new books coming out! A Young Green Witches Guide will be published in Summer 2024. A Green Witch’s Pocket Book of Wisdom - Big Little Life Tips will be out soon! And finally, stay tuned for news of my debut novel! It is completed and I can hardly wait to share it with you!

I have been guiding meditative journeys since I was a very young woman. Many people of all ages, from little kids to great grandmas and grandpas, have told me it is one of my most special gifts. I love to create them and recorded both the Moon Meditations and the Ocean Relaxation after many requests! I hope you enjoy them, and by popular demand, I promise to make more meditations available soon.

Moon Meditation (MP3)
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Moon Meditation (CD)
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Ocean Meditation (MP3)
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Ocean Meditation (CD)
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