Past Musings
My Beloved Elder - Ally for Healing from the Flu and Much More
My first plant ally was the elder tree or, as I like to call her, my beloved elder. It was one month before I formally became an herbal-medicine apprentice, so this was before I knew that a plant ally is a plant or tree that you choose (and are chosen by) for a lifelong relationship. As your relationship…
Inspired Creativity, Puppets, and Poetry
Opening to Receive:Inspired Creativity, Puppets, and PoetryA Guest Blog Post by Colin Wright…
Root Canals - Where does herbal medicine fit in?
I became an herbalist in part looking for answers to serious dental and periodontal challenges due to bone loss I’ve had since a very young age. I am convinced these challenges were the result of exposure to radioactive fallout from nuclear testing when I was a child. Numerous studies in multiple states have shown…
Spring is Here!
It's officially Spring. Though it was official according to the calendar about a month ago, Nature has now spoken in northern New Jersey. Here are three plants that signal spring to me…
Earth Day 2018
It is Earth Day, so called, though every day is that. And on this exquisite day, where the breath of spring is in the air at last, I am heartened by many kindnesses, large and small that I hear tell of and experience for myself…
Spring Equinox Rituals
At Spring Equinox, in the east of the wheel, the sun crosses the celestial equator moving north. The day and night are in perfect…
A Time for New Beginnings
This is a juicy time to be alive,Ripe with extreme challenges and opportunities! Imagine if life was a movie, or a novel...I often do…
Samhain - Ritual & Herbal Infusion
Halloween is Witch's New Year. It is traditionally seen in many cultures as the time of year to honor the endings that precede new beginnings. The Celts of Ireland and Scotland, saw this as the beginning of winter and…
Healing Herbs for Heartache, Heartbreak, Grief, and Shock
People of good conscience everywhere are reeling from current events in the world that mirror the challenges in our own psyches and relationships, writ large. I love to quote Joanna Macy: "I wanted to change the world. I changed myself and the world changed." None of us could possibly heal alone, nor change the world alone, nor are we meant to. Plants are part of our community of healers, so please let them help you strengthen, nourish, and support yourself, so together we can do the same for our world and…
Nourishing, Medicinal Burdock
Burdock is one of the most important nourishing, medicinal herbs in my herbal medicine chest.