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Samhain Ritual Practices with Robin Rose Bennett

with Robin Rose Bennett
October 29, 7-9pm ET
Register HERE!

Samhain (Halloween) is Witch’s New Year. It is the most sacred time of the year, when the veils part and the worlds of form and formless, visible and invisible, living and “dead” are closest to one another. How do we consciously participate in how endings transform to become new beginnings? How do we honor our physical and spiritual ancestors? How do we embody both grief and joy and help to turn the wheel of the year?

Meaningful ritual is vital to our healing and to our sense of connection. We'll delve into an exploration of essential facets of crafting your own rituals and ceremonies: developing relationship with the four elements and seven directions, creating a safe container for group and solo work, the use of symbol and metaphor, and common medicinal, magical plants will guide us every step of the way.

Learn to tune in to the invisible world in a grounded way to feel connected to the magic alive in every moment, and to experience ever more freedom and joy in your daily life.

Please bring:

Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort/cronewort) in some form. Fresh leaves and stalks in a vase of water. Dry leaves to burn. Oil or oinment to anoint yourself with. A tea to drink. Tea in a spray bottle to spray yourself and/or your area with. Tincture or vinegar to add to water to drink.
A Stone from the land you live on, or your ancestral land.
A small fresh white candle such as a tea light.

Registration is sliding scale ($25-$45)

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