Online Learning hosted through Transcending Roots Herbal Apothecary
Registration HERE!
Join Robin Rose for a thought-provoking, meditative class exploring summer herbal medicines and herbs that can help guide us in ritual. We will conclude with a simple, yet profoundly joyful Summer Solstice Ritual celebration!
The life force is mysterious and magical! It flows through everything, including us and the plants. Through our breath, we are connected to the green beings in intimate, reciprocal relationship. And the Summer solstice is an energetic gateway.
Please have a fresh candle in a holder, ready to be lit (any color/shape/size you want). If you’d like to create your own altar, you can see my book Healing Magic for suggestions.
Plants are the most generous healers. They offer green blessings for our bodies, minds and hearts, and souls. Blessed Be.
Registration is sliding scale $25-$40.