Past Musings
Green Witch Wisdom - Herbal & Earth Spirit Teachings for personal, social and planetary Healing
Green Witch Wisdom - Herbal & Earth Spirit Teachings for personal, social and planetary Healing
In this live conversation and Q&A, from April 2021, we explore the following themes:
1. Connections between the Green Witch Path and the Shamanic Path
2. Reconnecting with the Earth – Simple practices are profound
3. Engaging with the Mystery
4. Herbal Medicine as the people’s medicine – All Plants are mind-altering
5. How to work with Plants as Medicine and Spiritual allies
Plant Spirit Summit: The Gift of Healing Herbs
Free Plant Spirit Herbalism Summit: On Connecting with Plant Consciousness and the Healing Wisdom of Nature…
The Happiness Summit 2.0
The first summit went so well, Derika did it again. See my interview here…
Dip your toe into deep waters or dive into an immersion with Robin Rose
Two Free Offerings in April - Dip your toe into deep waters or dive into the immersion and a new Plant Medicine video on YouTube…
Plant Medicine Series: Coltsfoot flowers
Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) Join me as I talk about harvesting, preparing and using Coltsfoot flowers
For Herbal Alternative for Antibiotics - Join me!
How to nourish your respiratory, digestive and nervous systems to support your immune system health? This is more important now than ever! Herbal medicine is the peoples’ medicine. Let me show you simple, empowering and effective ways to bring healing into your home for yourself and your family…
Spring Has Sprung - Green Witch Activism, Herbal Antibiotics & Sacred Ceremony
Please join me for these very special offerings right around the corner! All my classes are ONLINE, and available by recording afterward if you can't attend in real time. Check out my website for a full listing of events and classes. Green Witch Guide to Spiritual Activism Part II…
Spring is in the air! Join me for Ritual, Free Summit & Spring Tonic
Happy Spring...the season of green blessings! May your heart sing your unique song! May we dance and dream together to invoke and evoke the world we know is possible…
Free Plant Spirit Herbalism Summit - You’re invited!
I'd love for you to join me over Spring Equinox weekend for the free Plant Spirit Herbalism Summit: On Connecting with Plant Consciousness and the Healing Wisdom of Nature…
Sacred Cycles - Everyday Herbal Medicine & Moon Rituals
Hello Friends! A woman’s cyclical transformations continue throughout her physical life as she goes through the life cycle stages of Maiden, Mother, and Crone…
Green Witch Magic for Social Justice!
I'm pleased to have just had an article published in the Russian journal,"Ecopoiesis: Eco-Human Theory and Practice" which is the first international multidisciplinary Journal focused on building an eco-human paradigm, disseminating eco-human knowledge and technology based on the alliance of ecology, humanities and the arts…
A Reflection on Reconnecting With the Earth
This essay speaks to the reality of our invisible and visible interconnection with one another and all life on the planet, with a focus on the plants and trees as healers who can awaken us to our authentic selves. It speaks to the necessity of reawakening our connection with the earth no matter where we live, city or country, to help us remember how to attune to and trust our own senses. It is an exploration of the need to reweave experiential wisdom as found and felt in our own bodies with our intellectual…