Past Musings
Herbal Remedies for Spring Allergies
Amidst the turmoil and blessings of our changing, evolving world, the sweetness of genuine friendship is one of life’s greatest joys. When we observe and listen to plants, insects and animals they teach us about the mutuality and benefits of symbiotic relationships. And about having fun. If we transplant a plant from one place in the garden to another it immediately begins to adapt itself, biochemically, to its new soil. A plant, such as our eastern skunk cabbage, now blooming, can be found grow…
I Understand Sorrow
From: Green Treasures, Herbal Medicines from Mother Earth, my newest book, to be published in 2013. “The only heart that can’t be broken is the heart that is already completely open.” I understand sorrow, believe me...it is here to be felt, to be cried, to be expressed physically and emotionally, and to be released so that our natural joy (that is always alive even under the sorrow) can be felt again…
After the Storm Surge: Wild Tea and Dessert
I came across a magnificent, mature white pine tree laying across the ground in the woods, from the look of it, freshly fallen. it must have come down during super-storm Sandy. I harvested needles and twigs to honor its life and death by making a delicious, medicinal infusion. On my way out of the woods by a familiar path, I stopped when I saw that two tall sassafras trees that had formerly flanked the trail entrance were also laying on the ground. Their roots were exposed to the cold afternoon air…